Tuesday 16 March 2010

Non-verbal Communication

I have been looking into the idea of non-verbal communication, and how things such as our physical environment can influence the way language between two people is interpreted. For example: -
  • PROXEMICS - refers to the physical space between the sender and receiver of communication - the space between them can influence the way in which the message is perceived. Proxemics can also play a part in interpretation of an environment when no messages are being passed between people, i.e. can influence how a person feels in a certain environment. Space in non-verbal communication can be divided into four categories: intimate, social, personal and public space.
  • CHRONEMICS - refers to time in non-verbal communication. The way we perceive time, structure time and react to time is a powerful communication tool. Time in communication refers to punctuality, willingness to wait, speed of speech, rhythm and tempo, frequency and how long people are willing to listen.
  • KINESICS - how people communicate through posture, gesture, stance and movement. Posture is used to determine the recipients interest in the communication. Studies show that mirroring the other participants body language is a sign of favourable listening.

The above examples provide a starting point for ideas within non-verbal communication. These are points I will look into further.

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